V. Chamanth Sai Reddy
I am a PhD candidate at Dept. of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. Currently, developing Finite Element based Digital Image Correlation (DIC) algorithm at Computational Geo-mechanics Lab under the supervision of Prof. Debasis Deb.
Details of My Research:
My research focus on developing Finite Element based DIC algorithm.
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a method for measuring the displacements & strains on the surface of the materials.
The essential idea of DIC is to capture the series of images of the surface during the loading and then process the consecutive images for displacement and strain using correlation algorithms.

These algorithms are of two types: local and global algorithms. Most of the commercially available DIC systems comes with local algorithms.
I am working on the development a global algorithm which integrates Finite Element principles into Image Correlation algorithm. This algorithm is know as Finite Element based DIC Algorithm.
My main task is to design and implement this algorithm and validate it using numerically simulated images and real experiment images.
For performing experiments, we developed in-house DIC system. The DIC experiment procedure is presented in the video below.
Conference Papers:
Conference on Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE 2019)
by Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT)
Dec 2019, Bengaluru, India
4th Annual International DIC Society Conference
by International DIC Society (iDICs)
Oct 2019, Portland, OR, USA
3rd Technical Conference on Assest Integrity, Reliability Management, Inspection/NDT techniques
Aug 2019, New Delhi, India
Journal Papers:
Work in progress
Coursework during PhD:
Finite Element Methods in Engineering
Statistical Methods
Soil Mechanics Lab
English for Technical Writing